Grandi Giardini Italiani Srl

c/o Villa Erba
Largo Luchino Visconti, 4
22012 Cernobbio (COMO)


16 May 2017


Como and its electric lake

Como is the city of Alessandro Volta, inventor of the electric battery. The lake, which takes its name from the city, lies at the heart of an area brimming with natural beauty, boasting many private and public citizens who take the preservation of the environment seriously. The past and present of Como and its lake provide the most suitable setting for this initiative: Como - The Electric Lake, which aims to conserve for future generations the history, science and everything achieved in this area, noted for its unique, world-famous landscape.

The organising committee of about twenty prominent figures from around the lake – hoteliers, Municipalities, public and private owners of cultural estates – all agreed on a fundamental issue: the absolute necessity to defend the general environment and particularly the priceless landscape of this area. The development of the use of electricity in transport is of outstanding importance, made increasingly possible by recent technology, especially regarding environmental protection.
The first result of this initiative consists of the insertion of about 15 destinations that will house special connectors for charging electric vehicles, offered by the american company Tesla, which will also be part of the Tesla Destination Charging circuit. This is just the first, important step and the committee would like to continue developing in this direction. On Internet it is possible to consult what each sponsor is already doing to protect the environment.

The first experimental electric boats are being built at the Matteri Shipyards (Lezzeno).
Como and its electric lake: a correct, efficient use of electricity is constantly developing to safeguard the beauty of these waters and the territory, for the history of a great scientist such as Volta, who was born and worked here and to attract attention to the landscape and environment.

The project Como - The Electric Lake includes several important local companies in the hotel and the marine industry, in addition to some of the most beautiful gardens of the Como Lake belonging to the network Grandi Giardini Italiani and three municipalities of lake area.

Hotel industry
Albergo Terminus (Como)
Hotel Villa Flori (Como)
Palace Hotel Como (Como)
Posta Design Hotel (Como)
Villa d'Este (Cernobbio, CO)
Sheraton Lake Como Hotel (Cernobbio, CO)
Grand Hotel Tremezzo (Tremezzina, CO)
Casa Sull'Albero (Malgrate, LC)
Hotel Promessi Sposi, Ristorante da Giovannino (Malgrate, LC)

Marine industry
Cantiere Ernesto Riva (Maslianico, CO)
Cantiere Nautico Matteri Erio (Lezzeno, CO)
Econoleggio barche elettriche e bici altolario (Colico, CO)

Gardens of the network Grandi Giardini Italiani
Villa Melzi D'Eril (Bellagio, CO)
Villa Erba (Cernobbio, CO)
Villa del Grumello (Como, CO)
Villa Olmo (Como)
Villa Parravicino Sossnovsky (Erba, CO)
Villa del Balbianello (Loc. Lenno, Tremezzina, CO)
Villa Carlotta(Tremezzina, CO)
Villa Monastero (Varenna, LC)

Comune di Como
Camera di Commercio di Como
Fondazione Alessandro Volta
Comune di Cremia
Comune di Lecco
Provincia di Lecco

Como-The Electric Lake recharge points

The Como-The Electric Lake recharge points currently active and included in the Tesla Destination Charging circuit are 15 and are present in the following points of interest:

In Como
Albergo Terminus
Hotel Villa Flori
Palace Hotel Como
Villa del Grumello

In province of Como
Sheraton Lake Como Hotel (Cernobbio, CO)
Villa d'Este (Cernobbio, CO)
Grand Hotel Tremezzo (Tremezzina, CO)
Comune di Cremia
Econoleggio barche elettriche e bici altolario (Colico, CO)
Villa Parravicino Sossnovsky (Erba, CO)
Cantiere Nautico Matteri Erio (Lezzeno, CO)

In province of Lecco
Casa Sull'Albero (Malgrate, LC)
Hotel Promessi Sposi, Ristorante da Giovannino (Malgrate, LC)

In addition at these electrical charging columns there are others in the [[http: // | Como Municipality]] and in [[http: // | Municipality of Lecco]]], that have one or more recharging sites provided by another operator.

To know the charging mode please contact directly the partner of the project.
Grandi Giardini ItalianiGreat Gardens of the WorldGardens of SwitzerlandComo the electric lakeThe Great GreenAICC Associazione Imprese Culturali e CreativeThe Lake Como Wedding Planner